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Q: What is extracted from cassiterite?
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What metal is extracted from Cassiterite?

Cassiterite is the main ore of Tin.

What is the method of obtaining zinc iron tin and lead?

It is extracted from Cassiterite, SnO2, which is tin ore.

What is the hardness of cassiterite?

Cassiterite has a Mohs hardness of 6-7.

Which ore is tin extracted from?

The only commercially recovered ore of tin is casserite, with contains an oxide of tin (SnO2). Use the link below to check facts and learn more.

What are the uses for cassiterite?

lo7 was here

How can recover pure tin from cassiterite?


What mineral is a tin ore?

The mineral cassiterite is an ore of tin.

What is the source of tin?

The principal mineral of tin is cassiterite (SnO2).

What are the common ores of tin?

There are only 2 Tin ores - Cassiterite and Stannite.

Where is Cassiterite found?

Cassiterite is the primary ore of Tin, the mineral is found in hydrothermal veins and pegmatites associated with granite intrusions. Because of its durability it is also frequently found concentrated in alluvial placer deposits, often in large enough quantities to be commercially exploitable all over the world.

What are 3 metals and tell the name of an ore that contains that metal?

Tin: cassiterite Mercury: cinnabar Uranium: pitchblende

What is the compound name for SnO2?

Tin dioxide, also known as cassiterite. I believe that it is tin oxide. Cassiterite appears to be a dioxide of tin The answer to this question is Tin (IV) Oxide since it is an Ionic not covalant. Tin dioxide says that it starts with a gas, but tin is a metal. So we need to worry about charges.