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Fatty infiltration of the liver, also known as **steatosis** or **hepatic steatosis**, is a condition where excess fat accumulates in the liver cells. The liver plays a vital role in various bodily functions, including processing nutrients, filtering toxins, and producing important proteins. However, when excessive fat accumulates, it can impair these functions and potentially lead to liver damage over time.

Types of Fatty Liver Disease:

There are two main types of fatty liver disease:

  • **Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD):** This is the most common type, affecting up to 25% of adults globally, and is not caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Risk factors include obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and genetics.

  • **Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD):** This type is caused by excessive alcohol consumption.


Fatty liver disease often doesn't cause any noticeable symptoms in its early stages. However, some individuals may experience:

  • Fatigue

  • Loss of appetite

  • Upper right abdominal pain or discomfort


If left untreated, fatty liver disease, particularly NAFLD, can progress to more serious conditions like:

  • **Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH):** This involves inflammation and liver cell damage along with fat accumulation.

  • **Cirrhosis:** This is the final stage of liver disease, characterized by scarring of the liver tissue, which can impair its function significantly.

  • **Liver cancer:** While rare, there is an increased risk of liver cancer in individuals with advanced stages of NAFLD.


Diagnosing fatty liver disease typically involves a combination of:

  • **Medical history and physical examination:** Your doctor will inquire about your symptoms, lifestyle habits, and family history.

  • **Blood tests:** These can evaluate liver function and assess for underlying conditions.

  • **Imaging tests:** Ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI scan might be used to visualize the liver and check for fat accumulation or other abnormalities.


There is no specific medication for fatty liver disease. However, the focus lies on managing the underlying causes and preventing further liver damage. This often involves:

  • **Lifestyle modifications:** Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise is crucial. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains with limited processed foods, saturated fats, and added sugar is recommended. Regular physical activity helps manage weight and improve overall health.

  • **Managing other medical conditions:** If you have conditions like Diabetes or high cholesterol, controlling them effectively is essential for protecting your liver.

  • **Medications:** In some cases, medication might be needed to manage specific conditions contributing to fatty liver disease, such as diabetes or high cholesterol.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight are the primary ways to prevent or reduce the risk of developing fatty liver disease. Additionally, limiting alcohol consumption is crucial.


  • This information is for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice.

  • If you experience any symptoms suggestive of fatty liver disease, consulting a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment is crucial.

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Amiya Samanta

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4mo ago
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9y ago

Fatty infiltration of the liver is an overabundant accumulation of triglycerides in the liver. This can occur in the entire liver or in a specific part of the liver.

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14y ago

omega deamination of fatty acids

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Q: What is fatty infiltration of the liver?
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the liver shows increased echogenicity compatible with fatty ifiltration.

What is mild hapatomegaly with fatty infiltration and focal area of fat sparing?

Mild hepatomegaly with fatty infiltration and focal are of fat sparing is basically fatty deposits in the liver.

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i had a ultrasound done my doctor told me i had fatty infiltration of liver and now is sending me too neurologist

Difference between fatty infiltration and fatty change?

Fatty infiltration refers to the abnormal accumulation of fat within cells or tissues, whereas fatty change refers to the process where normal cells contain more fat than usual, often due to an underlying condition like obesity or alcohol consumption. Fatty infiltration is usually a more severe and pathological process compared to fatty change.

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On ultrasound, the liver appears to be made of different types of matter, not just one type.

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"Focal fatty infiltration" refers to the accumulation of fat in a specific area or focal point within an organ, commonly seen in the liver. It is usually a benign condition and does not typically cause symptoms. However, it can sometimes be a sign of underlying liver disease or metabolic abnormalities.

What treatment doctors recommend for fatty liver infiltration?

Weight loss, control of diabetes, and control of cholesterol can decrease the amount of fat in your liver and is the best thing to treat diffuse fatty infiltration of the liver. Would still recommend medical review of the condition as there will be degrees of severity that can progress from causing minimal issues all the way through to cirrhosis of the liver. With common dietary habits today and the prevalence of fast food, a finding of fatty liver can be quite common unfortunately. Lets hope reversal of the condition is simple!

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It's not possible to disguise the existence of a fatty liver.

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Phosphorus poisoning causes yellow fatty liver.

What causes fatty infiltration of pancreas?

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Fatty foods can have an impact on the liver. Excessive consumption of fatty foods can lead to the accumulation of fat in the liver, potentially leading to liver diseases such as fatty liver disease or cirrhosis. It's important to maintain a balanced diet to support liver health.

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