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Q: What is fd fan in thermal power plant?
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How can you calculate the flow of FD fan and motor power when you know fan speed and impeller diameter?

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Why vfd is used with fd fans?

Traditionally dampers are used to control the quantity of air entering the boiler. If we use VFD for FD fan, we can control the quantity of air be changing speed of fan using VFD. This will save energy.

What removes the combustion gases from a balanced draft furnace?

A balanced draft has both ID and FD fans. ID Fan works by pulling the gases through the furnace hence creating the required draft. Where as FD fan pushes the gases into the furnace. Hence in a balanced draft frunace, the ID fan can said to be removing the combustion gases.

Why cant you use a forced draft fan in place of induced draft fan?

It can be used, however not on the same piece of equipment. A forced draft fan is typically much smaller than an induced draft fan. A FD fan moves cooler air into the combustion zone while the ID fan removes the products of combustion from that zone. Typically the volume of gasses the ID Fan needs to remove is from 125% to 200% more than that of the FD fan. example: an FD fan moves 20,000 scfm of air at 100 *F, what size ID fan do you need if the exhaust gasses are 450 *F and the products of combustion and moisture add 3500 cfm to the volume of gasses? PV/T = P'V'/T' with pressure being negligible (it usually isn't) the formula is then : V/T = V'/T' to get the volume needed for the ID fan then: VT'/T = V' V = 20,000 scfm, T = 560 *R (absolute zero scale) and T' = 910 *R 20,000 scfm x 910*R/560*R = 20,000 scfm x 1.625 = 32,500 scfm thus, the ID fan must be sized at least 62.5% larger than the FD fan.

How do you make a star in LOGO?

to make a star on ms logo the commands should be: RT 20 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40 LT 70 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40 LT 70 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40 LT 70 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40 LT 70 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40

Command to make house in msw logo?

to house REPEAT 4 [fd 100 lt 90] fd 100 lt 90 REPEAT 3 [FD 100 RT 120] lt 90 fd 100 rt 90 fd 35 REPEAT 2 [FD 60 RT 90 FD 50 RT 90] fd -5 rt 90 REPEAT 2 [FD 40 RT 90 FD 25 RT 90] penup fd 60 pendown REPEAT 4 [FD 25 RT 90] end put that in Edall hope that helps by chloe who likes licking ou tpigs xxx

How do you make a star in ms logo?

to make a star on ms logo the commands should be: RT 20 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40 LT 70 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40 LT 70 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40 LT 70 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40 LT 70 FD 40 RT 140 FD 40

How do you draw a hexagon using logo command?

lt 45,fd 5o,rt 45,fd 50,rt 45 fd 50,rt 90,fd 50,rt 45,fd 50,rt 45,fd 50

An engine exerts a force of 950 N for a distance of 5.75 meters in 3.0 seconds What is the power of the machine?

Since Work is net force times distance moved (Fd), and Power is Work/Time, the answer is (Fd)/t, or(950N x 5.75m)/3.0sYou can do the calculations. The answer will be in Watts.

How do you write a logo program for a rectangle?

fd 60 rt 100 fd 60 rt 100 fd 60 rt 100 fd 60