

What is feline aids?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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15y ago

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the feline equivilant of aids and its caused by the feline imunovirus(fiv)

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Q: What is feline aids?
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Related questions

Is feline aids passed from mother to kittens?

Yes it is passed through the saliva from one cat to another or fleas that have the feline aids. Have the kittens tested but I am not sure at what age you would get an accurate test. Take them all in to be checked out by your Veterinarian.

How do you know your cat is dying of AIDS?

Take it to the vet. There is no adequate substitute for proper veterinary care, especially if the cat is afflicted with a serious illness such as feline AIDS.

What diseases do leopards suffer?

Leopards suffer from all sorts of diseases that are quite similar to humans. A few are, feline asthma, feline FIV (AIDS), Feline leukeamia, and feline lower urinary tract disease. tehy get others from eating some other things and from when they get into fights other germs get into them and the pass out for 3-5 min and slowly die

Are there any treatments for the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus?

Medical options for this disease are sorely limited. There are, however, effective natural options. "Feline AIDS: A Pet Owner's Guide" is an excellent book that outlines effective treatment regimens for FIV.

Can lions who eat a person with AIDS get AIDS?

They shouldn't be able to: AIDS is caused by HIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Domesticated house cats are susceptible to FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus). FIV can only be spread between other cats who carry it, humans are immune to FIV.

Can cats live with feline leukemia?

No. Dogs CANNOT contact feline aids. The only animal that can is another cat. Dogs CANNOT get feline leukemia either.

Can other species be killed by aids?

Absolutley. Felines seem to be the most common animal to contract FIV (feline imunodeficiency virus). I had a cat the died of AIDS. However the virus is not transmittable to humans, and human HIV is not transmittalble to animals. There have also been reports of AIDS in horses and pigs.

Human is to feline as feline is to?

Human is to Feline, as Feline is to Kit. (In my eyes cats are like children <house hold> and Kits are Feline children)

A sentence with the word feline?

They suffered problem because of feline. This is a sentence which contains the word feline.

Does bathing in orange juice get rid of AIDS?

If you are referring to body fluids such as blood that is on the surface of your skin or clothing, alcohol, antibacterial soaps, or bleach for clothing or counter tops or surfaces works. If you are asking about curing aids from a person who has the virus, than the answer is no. There is no cure yet. There are many treatments that slow the progression dramatically if you stay on them faithfully. There is research being done right now on cats, because they are able to be given the HIV virus and their body somehow fights it off and kills it. This is not the same virus referred to as feline aids, which is actually lukemia, and has no relation to HIV. It is very deadly to cats which is how it coined the name feline aids.

In the term feline equals what?

a feline is a cat

Leonine is to lion as ----is to cat?
