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Q: What is femoral gland and where is it situated?
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What are thyroids glands?

The pituitary gland is situated at the base of the brain. The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland situated just above the collarbone in the lower neck and on either side of the trachea.

What are pituiuary thyroid glands?

The pituitary gland is situated at the base of the brain. The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland situated just above the collarbone in the lower neck and on either side of the trachea.

Is gallbladder and salivary gland the same?

no ,both are different gallbladder is situated near stomach and salivary gland is in our mouth.

Which gland starts the process of puberty?

Puberty is started by a sudden increase in hormones, released by the Pituitary gland.

What gland increases blood calcium content?

Parathyroid glands. They produce the parathyroid hormone. These small glands are situated on the thyroid gland.

Which is the pea shaped endocrine gland that is situated in the bony cavity at the base of the brain?


Why does a problem with pituitary gland lead to problems in other body systems?

Pituitory gland is the master gland situated at the base of brain. It secretes many hormones. So problems with this gland leads to problems in many other body systems.

What is the biggest gland of the body?

I would have to say the pancreas although that functions as an exocrine gland as well.

Why is it known as the master gland?

The master gland is the Pituitary. Which speaks to the adrenal glands telling them how much cortisol to produce and when.

What is thyroid hormones synthesized from?

Thyroid release the hormone thyroxine. This gland is stimulated by Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which is secreated from anterior pitutary gland situated in hypothalamus of brain.

Where is the artery in the leg located?

The femoral artery.

Where in the body does noradrenaline come from?

it comes from the medula region of adrenal endocrine gland, situated over both kidneys.