

What is fibrocystic disease of the breast?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is fibrocystic disease of the breast?
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What are the diseases of the breast?

The symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease are tenderness, lumpiness, and pain in the breasts. This is not uncommon in women, as over 50% of women have fibrocystic breasts.

Is breast cancer the only breast disease?

Breast cancer is not the only breast disease. There is another type of breast disease called fibrocystic breast disease. It is a condition that causes breast pain, cysts and breast lumps.

Can fibrocystic breast disease be prevented?

No way has yet been proven to prevent the various manifestations of fibrocystic condition from occurring.

How is fibrocystic breast disease treated by doctors?

Once a specific disorder within the broad category of fibrocystic condition is identified, treatment can be prescribed.

What is meant by fibrocystic disease of the breast?

When I was twenty six I had a lump in my breast and was terrified it was cancer. I had the lump removed for a biopsy and was told it was a fibrocyst. These are non - cancerous and in my case it was caused by cysts on the milk glands after prolonged breastfeeding. This is only one cause and if you have not done so yet you need to get a proper diagnosis and can then ask your doctor.

Why is a patient's breast removed?

Removal of a patient's breast is usually recommended when cancer is present in the breast or as a prophylactic when the patient has severe fibrocystic disease and a family history of breast cancer.

What is Fibroadenosis?

Fibroadenosis is a type of fibrocystic disease in the breasts. It cause breast lumps made of glandular and fibrous tissues.

What foods to avoid for fibrocystic breast disease?

Avoid taking in so much fatty foods and dairy products.

Is fibroadenoma same with fibrocystic?

Fibrocystic breast disease is a woman who develops cysts in her breasts, they are best detected by ultasound. A fibroadenoma is a benign solid lump that can develop in a woman's breast which must be differentiated from a malignant growth, which can be indicated by mammogram or MRI but a biopsy is the only way to tell for certain.

What is the presence of single or multiple fluid-filled cysts that are palpable in the breast?

Fibrocystic breast