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Q: What is five years younger than 1998?
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Was Leonard Bernstein sister younger than him?

yes she was five years younger than him

How Much younger was Helen Kellers sister?

Helen Keller's younger sister, Mildred Keller, was five and a half years younger than Helen. Helen was born in 1880, while Mildred was born in 1886.

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Anthony, who is five years older than Aaron and the eldest out of the lot. and Jordan, who is the youngest and five years younger than Aaron.

Is Derek Jeter's sister older than him?

No, she is not. Derek Jeter's sister Sharlee is five years younger than him.

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Would a guy still like you if he found out you were five years younger than him?

it depends on the girl

Is it better to date guys that are like five years older than you rather than being like a year older or younger?

it is not safe to date guys who are five years older than you rather than to date a guy who is of your age or two,three years old

Is derek jeter the oldest?

Yes. Derek Jeter has one sister, her name is Sharlee and she is five years younger than him.

How old was Derek Jeter's sister in 1996?

In 1996, Derek Jeter's sister was 17 years old. Sharlee is five years younger than Derek.

Would roc royal from mindless behavior date a girl that is four to five years younger than him?

I don't think so

Is Derek Jeter the oldest child?

Yes. Derek Jeter has one sister, her name is Sharlee and she is five years younger than him.

How much younger was Shakespeare's wife?

How much younger than whom? She was twenty-three years younger than Queen Elizabeth. But she was older than Shakespeare, by eight years.