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All meat.

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Q: What is forbidden on Good Friday red meat only or all meat?
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Can you eat chicken on no meat Friday?

i think so... its only red meat that you cant eat.. you can also eat fish :) Wrong. Chicken is meat in terms of Friday abstinence. Fish and other seafood is not forbidden. chicken is fine, it only states that you can't or are not meant to eat RED meat on no meat Friday there is nothing written anywhere that says you can't eat chicken especially since the flesh of a chicken is white not red.

What is eaten before Good Friday in France?

One full meal and two collations are taken without meat, only fish is the only thing you can eat that is non-vegetarian on Good Friday.

Why do Christians eat fish during Good Friday?

Catholics fast on Good Friday, and traditionally eat fish and not meat on Fridays during Lent. They used to be forbidden to eat meat every Friday, and depending upon their location and diocese, some still are. Good Friday is a fast day, where one goes without the usual luxuries as a form of penance, purification and remembrance of God's laws.Christ died on Good Friday, so we observe that every Friday in Lent including Good Friday.

What is the purpose of not eating meat on Friday?

Catholics avoid eating meat on Fridays ONLY during the Lenten season (Good Friday is the last Friday of Lent).

Do you eat fish on Good Friday?

The catholics belive that eating red meat on Friday is a sin or disgrace and so the only meat they can eat is fish, that is not poultry or red meat. The above doesn't address the history of this tradition, which has nothing to do with piety. See links

Can you eat meat on Maundy Thursday?

yes ! its only on friday they prohibit eating of meat.

If you're below the age of 12 can you eat meat on a Good Friday?

It is required only once your are 14 years or older of age. It is a good sacrifice to refrain from eating meat though but you don't have to yet.

Can you eat chicken on Good Friday?

You can't eat meat on Good Friday, but you only eat fish instead. But some say This is the kind of nonsense that makes Protestants laugh at Catholics. The Bible CLEARLY says that we are free to fast or not fast, eat meat or not eat meat, as we please. IT CLEARLY says that these kinds of "religious practices" are worthless and that God sees "good works" as nothing but "filthy rags." Follow Jesus. Give Him your heart. That's all that counts. These kinds of questions reflect the kind of dead useless "religiosity" that Jesus came to ABOLISH!

Can Catholics eat meat on Spy Wednesday?

Yes, they can; the only days meat is not allowed is Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent, but Spy Wednesday ( 2 days before Good Friday) is OK to eat meat

What is the origin of not eating meat on Friday?

In the 1500's Catholic Fishermen were struggling to make a living so they asked the pope for help. He declared meat forbidden during lent but fish was not meat. The fishermen responded by generously donating to the church. There's no religious reason why fish, lobster and shrimp aren't considered meat.

Is it a sin to eat meat during Lent in catholicism?

Yes, you may touch meat. Abstinence is the penance required and is not specific except on Good Friday for many Christians. No eating of meat if that is what you "give up" for lent. Butchers must work through lent, hard to do if they were not able to touch meat. Many people give up other things other than meat. Meat is not a staple food for many cultures. It is the spirit of the penance that makes it valid.

Why don't some people eat meat on Good Friday?

Well most people aren't supposed to eat meat inthe first place. The only exception would be children under 14 and the elderly since they need more nutrition. It is a form of sacrifice since Good Friday is a holy day.