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When outer electrons interact they form a bond. (ionic or chemical)

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Q: What is formed When these outer electrons interact with other atom's electrons?
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What characteristic of atoms allows them to bond with other atoms to form compounds?

They have electrons that can interact with the electrons from other atoms to form bonds. Both atoms are stabilized by having their electron clouds interact, and so this is a favorable interaction. In chemical reactions, bonds are both made and broken. When bonds are formed, the electron clouds of two nearby atoms interact to form a bond that holds the atoms together.

How is a molecule formed?

Molecules are formed when atoms lose electrons and then attach themselves to other atoms

How the number of electrons in the outer shells will affect an atoms tendency to interact with other atoms?

The answer varies between different atoms -Kill_Me0215

What is formed when two atoms are trying to take other's electron?

If you mean two atoms are sharing electrons, then a covalent bond is formed.

How is the movement of the electrons different when the atoms are close together?

The electrons of the two atoms interact with each other and distort their orbital shapes

Do only outer shells gain or lose electrons with other atoms?

Yes. Only the valence shell will interact with other atoms. This is how different elements are different from eachother. The electrons under the valence shell are never touched. Yes. Only the valence shell will interact with other atoms. This is how different elements are different from eachother. The electrons under the valence shell are never touched.

What parts of a magnesium atom interact with other atoms during chemical reactions?

Some or all of its valence electrons.

Can an oxygen atom that has no electron at all and can it bonding to the other atom?

While a lone oxygen nucleus might exist under extreme conditions, if allowed to interact with other atoms at the temperatures at which chemical bonds can form, that oxygen nucleus would immediately take electrons from other atoms until it formed a neutral atom.

Unequal sharing of electrons occurs when one atom's protons have a greater pull on the shared electrons?

This does occur. The bonds begin to form when electrons from two different atoms begin to interact with other atoms until the two atoms become joined together.

What type of bond if formed if atoms donate electrons to other atoms when the elements are combined?

Cations donate atoms to form an ionic bond.

What type of bond is formed if atoms donate electrons to other atoms when the elements are combined?

Cations donate atoms to form an ionic bond.