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Q: What is formed along a coastline at convergent plate boundaries?
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What volcano is formed along colliding boundaries?

Most of the volcanoes at convergent boundaries are stratovolcanoes.

How does a volcano erupt at a convergent boundary?

As an oceanic plate sinks into the mantle at a convergent boundary it causes rocks to melt. Some of the newly formed magma will migrate upward to volcanoes, that have formed along the convergent boundaries, and erupt.

What type of plate boundary formed at islands?

constructive plate boundaries cause volcanoes.

Are volcanoes more common along a convergent or divergent boundary?

Volcanoes are more common along convergent boundaries

The Ring of Fire is located along what type of plate boundaries?

Convergent plate boundaries.

Major mountain belts are located along what plate boundaries?

Convergent Plate Boundaries

Do divergent boundaries have earthquakes?

Earthquakes can, and do, occur at divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.

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What are different types of boundaries found along the edges of earth's plates?

convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, transform boundaries and plate boundaries