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Dirt and clay and most other soil types. When first decayed, these substances are high in minerals, and a cycle will continue if an environement is left alone, because decaying plants refertilize soil.

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Q: What is formed by decayed plants and animals?
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It is called humus.humus

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It is called humus.humus

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What is the organic material formed in soil from the decayed remains of plants and animals are called?

It is called humus.

What is Decayed Plants and animals?


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Coal is made from the decayed body parts of animals and plants so after a couple of days the particles from the plants and animals will start to be covered by leaves from trees and other things and for coal to be formed you must have heat and pressure and after a couple of years the decayed particles with the heat and pressure it will eventually form into coal and also plants get energy from the sun and animals get energy from the plants so that's how coal is related to the sun

What part of soil is made up of the decayed remains of plants and animals?
