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Cobalt (II) chloride dihydrated (purple colour) and with more water Cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrated (pink colour) .

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Q: What is formed when Cobalt chloride is tested with steam?
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How might Cobalt Chloride be used to predict weather changes?

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It's not difficult.Steam is formed when water evaporates.

Can steam be formed at 120 degrees Celsius?

Yes, it can.

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steam is created by vaporisation of the water on the ground or in a kettle.

What types is formed when steam from boiling water evaporates into the air?

The steam (vapors) is also water - H2O.

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Steam is formed and separated from water once it reaches boiling point(100 deg.C) In other words the steam is formed (gaseous form) from liquid state due to phase change.