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Q: What is formed when an object blocks the light source?
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What dark area made by an object blocks out light?

The dark area formed by an object that blocks out light is called a shadow.

What is created when an object blocks the light?

If the light is strong enough, a shadow is formed. But if that object is a cloud, a rainbow may be formed.

What 3 things make a shadows?

A shadow is formed when an object blocks light, creating a dark area behind it. Three factors that determine the size and shape of a shadow are the angle at which the light hits the object, the size of the light source, and the distance between the object and the light source.

The area of darkness formed when an object blocks light is called a?

Its an opaque object.

What does the umbra and the penumbra have to with with eclipse?

An umbra is formed when an object blocks all of the light from a light source. A penumbra is formed when light from one source is blocked with light from another source filling in some of the shadow, OR when a large light source is only partially blocked.

Which formed when an opaque object blocks the light?


Where do shadows always form?

Shadows are formed when an object blocks light. They can form wherever there is a source of light and an object to block that light, creating a contrast between the illuminated and shaded areas.

How is a shadow formed explain?

A shadow is made when an object blocks out light coming from a light source. because there is less light particles in that area, surfaces don't reflect as much, making it darker in that area. that is why you can't see when there is no light source.

What happen to the shadow if an object is closer to the source of light?

When object is closer to source of light ,the shadow formed of the object is shorter and darker.

What is the size of the shadow and the distance of the object from the light source when a shadow is formed?

If you are using a point light source, the shadow's size is the object's size divided by the distance from the light source to the object multiplied by the distance from the light source to the shadow.

Is there a relationship between the distance of the light source and the object?

The further the light source is from the object, the smaller the shadow formed and vice versa.

What are shadow?

shadow is a black areashadow is formed when a opaque object is come in the path of lightWhen light passes through opaque object, some of it would be blocked and form a shaedow.The shadow is formed according to the shape of the object as light moves in straight line.When light source is blocked by an opaque /translucent object a black spot is formed on the opposite side of the light source ...that black spot is called shadow.CHARACTERISTICS OF SHADOWS?black in colour .?outline of structure of the object.?size depends upon the light source and the object.?always forms on the opposite side of the light source .