

What is francium chloride?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Francium chloride is a radioactive chemical compound with the formula FrCl. It is predicted to be a white solid and is soluble in water. Its properties resemble caesium chloride. It is produced by the reaction of hydrochloric acid with francium metal. Source: Wikipedia

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The francium chloride should be FrCl.

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What is francium chloride ionic charge?

The molecule is neutral.

What is the formula for francium chloride?

The chemical formula for francium chloride is FrCl. Francium is a highly reactive alkali metal while chlorine is a halogen, forming an ionic bond between the two atoms to create the compound.

What is the name of the compound FrCl?

The compound FrCl is francium chloride. Francium is a highly radioactive element in Group 1 of the periodic table, and chloride is a negatively charged ion formed by chlorine.

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Francium was named after France, the country where it was discovered for the first time in 1939 by Marguerite Perey.

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Not known today but probably francium don't burn.

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Francium is a metal.

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Francium is a true chemical element, not an example.

Why is the density of francium unknown?

We haven't sufficient francium for a measurement; also francium is autovaporized.

What are chemical properties of francium?

The chemistry of francium is not known; francium has properties similar to caesium.

Why can you not use francium?

Francium is a highly reactive metal that is extremely rare and unstable. It is also radioactive, which makes it dangerous to handle. Due to these properties, francium is not commonly used in everyday applications.