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Free man mean not a Servant (Ghulam), no non Muslim cant be witness.

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Q: What is free man means to witness nikah ceremony can a non Muslim man act as a witness?
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Are Muslim nikah accepted without any witness?

IN hanafi madhab it is compulsory to have two mulsim witness while making the nikah(during making the offer and acceptance.) Two Muslim man or one Muslim man and two Muslim women who are baligh( has reached the age of puberty) should hear the offer and acceptance. "In Shafi and Hanbali madhabs witnesses should be males and have not publicly known sins." :N Maliki madhab a witness is not necessary but the wali must be present at nikah and the nikah must be announced and acquitances must be informed about the nikah." IN hanafi madhab it is compulsory to have two mulsim witness while making the nikah(during making the offer and acceptance.) Two Muslim man or one Muslim man and two Muslim women who are baligh( has reached the age of puberty) should hear the offer and acceptance. "In Shafi and Hanbali madhabs witnesses should be males and have not publicly known sins." :N Maliki madhab a witness is not necessary but the wali must be present at nikah and the nikah must be announced and acquitances must be informed about the nikah."

A solemnization ceremony in a Muslim wedding called?

Nikah النکاح also sometimes called Aqd عقد, however Aqd means contract and Nikah means marriage. Therefore it would be Aqd nikah. When it is said Nikah we are assuming it to be permanent marriage, however there exists temporary marriage too in Islam which is called Mutah or segah practiced by Shia sect. Both of these ceremonies are solemnized with a dowry (Mahr) to be payed by the groom to the bride and that has to be specified.

Can muslim girl and boy do nikah by themselves without any wali or witness?

No, Muslims can't do nikah by themselves without witnesses. Secret marriages, as well as those done without witnesses, are considered invalid.

What does Nikah mean in English?

Nikah means marriage or wedding in English. It refers to the Islamic marriage ceremony where a contract is signed between a man and a woman, creating a legal bond between them.

Is your nikah valid if husband is not Muslim?

NO. Muslim women can only marry a Muslim man.

What prayers are to be performed on the day of nikah?

No particular prayers are to be performed in Nikah ceremony. It is just acceptance of a couple as husband and wife. After that should be Waleema.

Where do Muslim get married?

At a hall...... ex: Monty's and stuff like that... but they have something called a nikha and that is at a mosque!

What are the main parts of a Muslim wedding?

Nikah is the most important and main part of a muslim wedding.its basically a ceremony in which marriage is pledge before an imam and 2 eyewitnesses. Valima is the 2nd part of a muslim wedding.its a wedding feast where the friends and relatives of bride and groom are invited to celebrate.

Why are Muslim marriages not recognized in the UK?

Many Muslim couples marry under a religious ceremony called the Nikah that is not legally recognized in the UK. In jurisdictions such as the UK and the US, marriage is a civil legal status acquired through a legal civil ceremony. In addition to the Nikah, a civil marriage must be performed at a Registry office according to UK law. Otherwise the marriage is not valid and the parties do not acquire any enforceable legal rights.The laws do not single out Muslim marriages in this instance. Any marriage performed by only a religious ceremony would not be legally recognized.

What is the thing if it is there nikah is not valid and What is the thing without that funeral is not possible?

to be muslim

Can Muslim girl marry a christian guy with the nikkah ceremony or is it not allowed if not what is the reason and will the interfaith marriage be looked down apon islamically?

The answer is no, a muslimah cannot marry a christian man. A believing woman (i.e. a Muslim) can only marry a believing man, and vise versa. A christian cannot marry a Muslim by way of nikah is. In the nikah you swear by Allah to marry each other etc, and say short prayers in Arabic. Sister Naila

What is meaning of Nikah in Islam?

Nikah is an Arabic word that means marriage