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Q: What is fuction of operator region in operon?
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Which region of the operon does the repressor bind to?

It binds to the operator.

An operon is composed of?

An operon is a group of genes that operate together.Operon- a functioning unit of genomic DNA containing a cluster of genes under the control of a single regulatory signal or promoter.Operons are clusters of genes consisting of one operator and promoter. There are a lac operon, which is responsible for metabolism of glucose. And there is also the Trp operon, which is responsible for synthesising tryptophan.

What is promoters and an operator together called?

Operon. It contains the promoter, operator, and the structural gene.

What is the difference between an operon and a regulon?

1. For operon genes are located near each other. For regulon genes are present distinct site of DNA. 2. Operon may have specific operator for all genes. For regulon each gene have different operator.

Is operon proteins?

Operon is not a protein. It is a segment of DNA that has cluster of genes controlled by the elements such as promoter, operator. Lac operon is a classic example where it regulate the utilization of Lactose in the medium.

What region of the operon does the repressor bind to?

I assume you mean the lac operon. The repressor binds upstream of the gene(s) in the regulatory gene region.

What would occur if the repressor of an inducible operon were mutated so it could not bind the operator?

It would result in the continuous transcription of the operon's genes.

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What is a repressible operon?

is one that is usually on; binding of a repressor to the operator shuts off transcription

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