

What is fusion mixture?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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Fusion mixture is used to fuse thing like a tiger and a lion to form a tigon or liger, something like that, another example is the alarm clock, fusion mixture is used to make that out of a wall clock and a bell..

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11y ago
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Q: What is fusion mixture?
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The most likely fuel for fusion on earth is a mixture of deuterium and tritium (both isotopes of hydrogen)

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Iron is an element, and is the heaviest element that may be made by fusion in a Star such as our Sun.

Which source of energy is used for fusion?

Nuclear fusion produces energy from the changes in the nuclear composition of the fuel, which is a mixture of deuterium and tritium. Essentially what happens is that some of the mass of the nuclei is destroyed and this releases energy

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An uncontrolled release of nuclear binding energy. This can be either by fission or fusion or some mixture of both.

How can define fusion regarding welding?

Fusion is the melting and mixture of base metal to the melted filler material (Rod or Electrode). It takes place in the puddle and is the Weld. Sorta like making mud by adding water to dirt. If they don't mix there is no mud.

How is nuclear fusion generated?

Attempts by man to do this use a mixture of deuterium and tritium (both isotopes of hydrogen) and heat them to hundreds of millions of degrees C using very strong magnetic fields, when the fusion reaction occurs. Up to now the best experiments have produced fusion but only held it for less than 1 second.

Scientists hope to build a nuclear fusion reactor fueled by?

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