

What is genotype AS SS AAA?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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10y ago

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You cannot do a cross to determine the genotypes of individuals because there is only one gene here. Genotype consists of the entire genetic makeup of the individual, which cannot be determined by a single gene. Only the alleles S or s is used to express this particular gene. If you're looking for a monohybrid cross between Ss and Ss, while separately wanting a result between ss and ss, then the answers are as follows:

Ss x Ss

25% SS

50% Ss

25% ss

ss x ss = 100% ss

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Someone with a SS genotype is said to have sickle cell anemia. A person with an AS genotype is a carrier for sickle cell and an AA genotype is a normal person with no genetic mutation.

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13y ago

its genotype will be Tt,simmilar to parents

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Can an AAA and SS combination produce an AAA genotype?

No. An AA and SS combination can only produce an AS genotype.

Can a man with genotype AAA marry a woman with AAA to produce SS?

no they can only have children with as as as as

What is the percent probability that one child of a mother with the genotype AAA and a father with the genotype AAA will have the genotype AAA?

50% AA and 50% Aa

Can an AA and SS combination produce an SS genotype?

No because AA and SS create the genotype AS :)

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What is the pair of AAA genotype?

homozygous? homozygous? homozygous dominant

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Do a punnett square for one parent having AAA and the other having AAA?

For the two given parents: 1 offspring will have the homozygous genotype: YY 1 offspring will have the homozygous genotype: yy 2 offspring will have the heterozygous genotype: Yy

What is the probability that the genotype AAA will be produced by the parents AAA x AAA?

offspring will be produced in following AA :Aa:aa and is in the ratio of 1:2:1 so the probabiltiy is 50%

Can a child have genotype SS while the father is AS and the mother is AA?

It is not possible. NO

What is genotype hybrids?

Mm, Ff, Gg, Ll, Ss and ect

Can a man with genotype AAA marry to a woman with AAA?

Yes, in most societies. Genotyping is generally not done before marriage, so genotypes of the couple are unknown.