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Q: What is get on this to shoot trench?
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What was the warfare like in world war 1?

Trench warfare. They would sit in trenches and shoot at the enemy trench

What was warfare like in World War 1?

Trench warfare. They would sit in trenches and shoot at the enemy trench

What was a firestep used for?

In trench warfare, you wanted to be low enough in the trench that you would not be hit by a bullet when moving about, but that meant you were too low to see out and shoot back. When building a trench, a ledge known as a firing step was built in. You could step up onto the firing step, and see out (and shoot)

What is a fiar step in WW1?

A fire-step in the trenches of WW1 was a raised platform on which a soldier could stand and shoot over the lip of the trench. The floor of the trench would be lower than the top of the fire-step to keep the soldier's head below the lip of the trench, so giving less of a target for an enemy sniper to shoot at.

How did the soldiers get rid of trench rats?

Many Ways: Burn, Gas, Shoot, Kill, Stab, blow em up

How did Germans shoot down planes?

Artillery, other airplanes, trench gun fire were all effective in shooting down airplanes.

What was the use of trench warfare during World War 1?

so that you could just put your gun over the side and shoot. it was used like a shield. it helped but there was lots of problems in the trench like disease and if surronded they had no whereto go

How did trench mortars effect World War I?

The Trench Mortars effected the World War 1 (WW1) by giving an advantage to the users by being able to keep cover and still be able to shoot over and hit or at least hit the ground near the enemy's trenches to force then to move.

What were firesteps used for in world war 1?

As the name suggests a Firestep was where a rifle was fired from. It was part of thre trench that was stood on to see over the parapet. It was raised from the level of the trench which was used as cover from view by the enemy.

What is trench stretch?

A trench stretch is a long system of trench.

How did trench warfare make offensive long and deadly?

because you were in a hole laying on your dead comrades while rats dig around you and the enemies are trying to shoot your head off

What was a trench in the First World War?

A trench was a ditch deep enough for a soldier to stand in without being exposed to enemy fire. To shoot over the edge there were raised ledges to step up onto. Sometimes small dugout were dug into the sides of the trenches for soldiers to sleep and take shelter in.