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Global warming is the rapid warming of the earth that has been happening in the last 250 years (since the Industrial Age began).

Greenhouse gases, including water vapor and carbon dioxide, work with the natural carbon and water cycles of the earth to keep our planet warm. The gases hold back heat that would escape back out to space. This is called the greenhouse effect and has been happening for millions of years and is perfectly natural.

When man began digging up and burning coal and other fossil fuels we released billions of tons of extra carbon dioxide that had been safely stored under the earth for millions of years. It is this extra CO2 that is causing Global Warming. That and deforestation. When we cut down the great forests of the world we destroyed so many trees that used to soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their roots, trunks and branches for hundreds of years.

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2d ago

Global warming is the increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a rise in temperature and changes in climate patterns worldwide.

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Do the gases in the atmosphere increase or decrease global warming?

The greenhouse gases are increasing global warming.

Do greenhouse gasses help global warming?

They don't help with global warming naturally but the large buildup of greenhouse gases does assist with global warming.

What gases cause global warming and how?

Greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane, mostly) cause global warming by increasing their levels in the atmosphere. This turns the benign greenhouse effect into an accelerated greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

What can be done to halt the effects of global warming?

Global warming can be halted by halting the greenhouse gases. These gases are the ones responsible for warming.

What natural greenhouse gases are associated with greenhouse effect?

global warming

How does Mexico contribute to global warming?

Mexico does contribute to global warming. It does release greenhouse gases.

How does the increase in greenhouse gases support the theory of global warming?

Part of the theory of global warming is that greenhouse gases capture the earth's heat. If more greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere then more heat will be retained.We can measure that levels of greenhouse gases have increased, and we can measure that temperatures have risen. These measurements thus support the theory of global warming.

What does CO2 have to do with global warming?

CO2, carbon dioxide, is one of the greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap heat rising from the earth's surface and stop it escaping into space. This is called the greenhouse effect. This is the connection with global warming. We have added a lot of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), and this build up is causing global warming.

What is a direct result of having greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

It is supposed that greenhouse gases contribute to global warming.

What greenhouse gases do in the atmosphere?

Greenhouse gases keep the earth warm.Too much greenhouse gas is causing global warming.

What are the green gases?

They are not green gases, they are called greenhouse gases and they cause global warming.

How do greenhouse gasses impact the ozone layer?

Greenhouse gases cause global warming on earth. This global warming can cause ozone depletion.