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Well, most people in the scientific community would say that there are Gnomes, who carry massive tectonic plates around on their bearded dragons. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with superheated rock, also known as magma, that gets hotter and more magnetic the deeper past the crust you travel. Some scientists also say that the Earth may in fact be hollow, with miniature Earths inside of the original Earth, extending to infinity.

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Q: What is going on inside Earth's crust interior?
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Going from outermost layer to innermost layer, the order is as follows: Crust Mantle Core Inner Core

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Going from outermost layer to innermost layer, the order is as follows: Crust Mantle Core Inner Core

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The weather and sky have nothing to do with it. Earthquakes happen when to pieces of earths crust suddenly move against or under another.

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near ocean trenches.

Why can't you go to the core of the earth?

The interior of Earth is so hot and under so much pressure that a human could not survive going more than a few miles into the crust.

The top of your pie is browning too much but the inside is not cooked can you cover the top of the pie?

Yes, aluminum foil works well. Make sure it is vented so that steam doesn't soak the crust. The filling should be pre-cooked before going into the crust, and the lower crust can be pre-cooked as well.

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sea floor spreading is were the earths crust is spreading under the ocean, going almost all the way around the earth, there are also volcanoes where the sea floor spreading, because of the magma coming up from the earth core

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Tree roots cannot reach the depths of the earth's crust.

How does new form?

When the Earth's Mantle (which is next to the outer core). goes together, like: When one side of the pressure is going right, and the other side is going left, so when it sqeezes together, the earths crust goes up..... Hope it helps.... I know how it forms, i just need to draw it, and i don't know how to explain it....