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You are unique, special, and you have all these wonderful characteristics. For example, you are kind and not mean to others. But on the other side of things, people have flaws that are not so good - for example, meanness and being a bully. If you see a bully bullying someone stick up for them and yourself. Who knows, you might be friends with the bully and the victim.

The good parts:

1. It can help set you apart.

2. You can be an example to follow

3. It sometimes draws others to you.

4. It may be more natural and you get to be yourself.

The bad parts:

1. You get misunderstood.

2. People may lump you with people who do bad things.

3. You constantly have to explain your intentions.

4. People may assume you like things that you don't.

5. People may assume you need more help at things than others.

6. People may talk down to you.

7. Your differences might make it hard to find work.

8. Some people are more likely to start trouble with you.

9. People may try to "correct" as flaws what you do deliberately.

10. People try to hold you back from being what you believe you should be.

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Being different from others can lead to unique perspectives, creativity, and individuality. However, it can also bring feelings of isolation, misunderstanding, and facing judgment or discrimination from those who do not understand or appreciate differences.

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What good is multiculturalism?

It allows people of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures to become friends by being neighbors, co-workers, and school mates.

What is a good person?

A good person is not just one type there are many things people can do to be good. I think the first step of being a good person is respecting authorities, respect other people living on earth with you and even if someone was being mean to you good people will still respect others. People who go out of their way to help less fortunate people, or the sick and elderly, A good person is a person who sees good in others.

Why are people good in different things?

People are good at different things due to a combination of factors such as genetics, upbringing, education, practice, and passion. These factors shape individuals' talents, skills, and interests, leading them to excel in specific areas where they are naturally inclined or have put in the effort to develop expertise.

What is the term used for people who worry what others think of them whether it is good or bad?

The term is "people pleaser" or "approval seeker." These are individuals who are overly concerned with gaining the approval and acceptance of others, often at the expense of their own needs and well-being.

Is it wrong to be a good person and also hate bad people and also being around those bad people?

No. If you yourself are a good person, you can be around bad people, as long as you don't let them change your moral beliefs. You can even try to make them better people by being around them if you want. Try not to hate bad people, you just need to understand what makes them bad, and find out why this is true. You can make the world a better place.

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Some people are good at one but not the other, some are good at both (but not other things), others are no good at either but are good at other things. People are different and their abilities are different.Also, there may be differences in the way in which their brains work, in the teachers and other educational influences and so on.Some people are good at one but not the other, some are good at both (but not other things), others are no good at either but are good at other things. People are different and their abilities are different.Also, there may be differences in the way in which their brains work, in the teachers and other educational influences and so on.Some people are good at one but not the other, some are good at both (but not other things), others are no good at either but are good at other things. People are different and their abilities are different.Also, there may be differences in the way in which their brains work, in the teachers and other educational influences and so on.Some people are good at one but not the other, some are good at both (but not other things), others are no good at either but are good at other things. People are different and their abilities are different.Also, there may be differences in the way in which their brains work, in the teachers and other educational influences and so on.

Is being different a good thing?

yes, it is a good thing. even though you are different, you are the same to some people that you may not even know.

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to fix your mistakes

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You can help protect and keep the US a safe place for everyone. Being a good citizen makes you a good person and you can influence other people around you to be a good citizen also

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No because it isn't supported, its being runned by other people.

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They are very good! This being a matter of opinion, people will have different views on what is good and isn't. You're going to have to listen a song by them and see if that satisfies your taste.