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Q: What is good for the gaps in sod?
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How do you lay sod?

Roll the sod out on smooth black dirt. Push the sod strips together do there is not to big of a gapso the routes will not dry out then also sprinkle little bits of dirt on gaps along edges and joins to seal. Then water a fair bit to help establish a route system. And it should grow.

Which is the best sod for dry climates?

Marathon sod is very good, and can be used in climates where good plant hydration is critical.

How can the word sod be used in a sentence?

The sod house was warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The workers will be here in the morning to sod the yard. (slang) He was a cantankerous old sod and seldom had a good word for anyone.

What is the thick mass of tough roots at the surface of the soil in a grassland?


What was one advantage of living in a sod house?

There is no good advantage

What are good hearts for msn names?

The answer is ( L ) but with no gaps :)

What is sod is banking term?


What is sod boster?

Sod buster is a term that refers to early settlers in the United States who were involved in breaking and cultivating the land for agriculture, particularly on the Great Plains. They often had to use sod to build their homes and structures due to a lack of other building materials.

What are aleut sod houses made of?


What is the birth name of Ilana Sod?

Ilana Sod's birth name is Ilana Sod Cybula.

Why did so many nebraska families build homes out of sod?

Because it was a good thing to do

Do you really need black dirt before you lay out the sod in the Minneapolis area?

It would be a good idea to put down black dirt before you lay sod in any area.