

What is good influence?

Updated: 5/1/2024
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12y ago

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A influence is a behaviour that a person that has seen or felt it in anyway but they act or show it so a good influence is a influence but a good one.

like if you are a small kid and you see your mom washing her hands after she uses the toilet and the kid goes and do it because her mom did it so the mom is setting a good influence

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1w ago

A good influence is someone or something that positively impacts your thoughts, actions, or behavior. It can inspire you to make better decisions, motivate you to reach your goals, and encourage you to grow and improve as a person. Good influences can come from various sources, such as role models, supportive friends, or positive experiences.

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What is Christina Aguilera's individual influence of contribution?

But, I don't think she is a bad influence. I think she tries to be a good influence on kids and grown ups.

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Having widespread influence?

having good influence i hope you like it if you have any problems just change

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