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It shouldn't be too high. Around 10,000 to about 20,000 miles. There will be more chances of the miles being higher, but that range of miles are fantastic.

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Q: What is good milage on a used car?
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Is 279926 good car mileage?

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You should check the milage on a used Mercedes Benz. If the milage is really high, there may be some problems with the engine or other parts. If the milage is low then that is a good thing and there shouldn't be any problems with the engine.

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What is car milage?

The amount of "miles" a car has driven. (or kilometres x 1.6)

How much did a car cost in August 1971?

Depends on the car and the milage and the seller

How does the shape of the car affect its speed?

If you have a big truck instead of a little car such as my dads Honda crx, the shape of it creates wind resistance so your engine has to work harder to fight the wing. Basically you get less gas milage not that trucks get good gas milage anyways.

How much gas does a car use for 8 miles?

Depends on the milage the car gets.