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An Orthodox baptism involves a triple immersion of a child or adult in water. This represents the likeness of the death and resurrection of the Lord and His three-day burial.

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Q: What is greek orthodox baptism like?
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What are Russian Orthodox beliefs about baptism?

They would follow the Greek mode of Immersion- which is the literal translation of 'Baptizo' from which words like Baptist and Baptism are derived, which means to immerse in water.

What do eastern orthodox believe about baptism?

The Orthodox believe that Baptism represents the likeness of the death and resurrection of the Lord and His three-day burial. For this reason, an Orthodox baptism involves three immersions in water. The word baptize comes from the Greek word 'baptizma' which means to immerse and completely cover in water. Sprinkling with water is called Aspersion, but it is not the same as a baptism. Baptism by triple immersion has been the tradition of the Orthodox Church for the last 2,000 years.

What is the Greek meaning of the word Baptism?

Baptize comes from the ancient Greek word for "immerse." (Greek Orthodox baptisms involve immersion in the water. They are not sprinkled with it.)

In greek orthodox baptism does the god parent have to buy three sets of everything?

No, usually only one set.

Do orthodox have baptism?

The word baptize comes from the Greek word 'baptizma' which means to immerse and completely cover in water. Sprinkling with water is called 'aspersion', but it is not the same as a baptism. An Orthodox baptism is recognized by all Catholics, but Catholic baptisms are not recognized by all Orthodox, because Catholic baptisms are actually done by aspersion or sprinkling, rather than by full immersion (which is what the Greek word 'baptize' means) and baptism has been the tradition of the Orthodox Church for the last 2,000 years.

What are the steps in converting to a greek orthodox?

The Orthodox Church welcomes people of all backgrounds who wish to become members of the Eastern Orthodox Church. You do not need to be Greek and you do not need to speak Greek to become an Orthodox Christian. You will need to speak to an Orthodox priest or bishop first, and then they will advise you about the procedures and whether a period of catechism (instruction in the Faith) is required before a baptism can take place. You should telephone and then visit an Orthodox church to begin the process.

Can you baptise your child Catholic and greek orthodox?

A baby only needs baptized once. You should pick which church you "mostly" like and have the baptism there. You might arrange an acknowledgement service at the other church.

Does the Greek Orthodox Church allow two christian names in the baptism ceremony?

Yes - as long as they are both accepted as suitable for the baptism. i.e Either names from the new testament (not Jewish) OR ancient Greek names. My daughter was baptised with 2 Natalia Arkondia

How do you convert to the Eastern Orthodox church?

The Orthodox Church welcomes people of all backgrounds who wish to become members of the Eastern Orthodox Church. You do not need to be Greek and you do not need to speak Greek to become an Orthodox Christian. You will need to speak to an Orthodox priest or bishop first, and then they will advise you about the procedures and whether a period of catechism (instruction in the Faith) is required before a baptism can take place. You should telephone and then visit an Orthodox church to begin the process.

How can you become an orthodox christian?

The Orthodox Church welcomes people of all backgrounds who wish to become members of the Eastern Orthodox Church. You do not need to be Greek and you do not need to speak Greek to become an Orthodox Christian. You will need to speak to an Orthodox priest or bishop first, and then they will advise you about the procedures and whether a period of catechism (instruction in the Faith) is required before a baptism can take place. You should telephone and then visit an Orthodox church to begin the process.

Did the Greek orthodox church split apart like Protestants?

No the Greek Orthodox Chuch is part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Why would you be declined to be baptised in a Orthodox church?

Generally speaking, no one should ever be denied baptism in an Orthodox Church, as baptism is necessary for salvation.