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Greenpeace activists oppose whaling. Greenpeace believes that the whale watching industry will be more profitable (and environmentally beneficial) than the whaling industry. The organisation has stated that science does not justify killing whales.

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Q: What is greenpeace perspective on whaling?
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What is Greenpeace doing about whaling?

Protesting and intervening with whaling ships

What is greenpeace doing about Japanese whaling?

Protesting and intervening with whaling ships

What do Greenpeace?

Greenpeace are a company that try to decrease global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling etc.

The job Greenpeace set out to do was?

stop the japanese practice of whaling

What is being done to manage whaling?

Money from Greenpeace etc is being funded to give money to whaling componies to stop and making some areas whaling free

What are some of the ships that are trying to stop Japanese Whaling Ships?

Rainbow Warrior by greenpeace

How do the Japanese whaling ships protect themselves?

using water cannons and ramming greenpeace ships

Is whaling good?

That would depend on whether you are the whale or the person doing the whaling. If you are the whale, I would say the answer would be NO whaling is NOT good. If you are the whaler, you might say it is good because it provides you with a means to support yourself and or your family. As a supporter of Greenpeace, I personally say that whaling is about as good as bludgeoning a baby seal to death. Why don't you google Greenpeace and watch some video's then decide for yourself whether or not it is "good".

What organisations are trying to stop whaling?

Greenpeace, World Against Whaling, Mad Mermaids and a lot more:) hope it helped:)

Is hunting whales banned in the US?

It is banned worldwide, however the Japanese go Whaling and kill millions of whales a year and GreenPeace try to stop it!

Does the antarctic treaty address whaling?

The antarctic treaty, which now has 46 nations in it, has 2 main organisations that deal with whaling. Although the treaty do address the Japanese whaling, the main 2 organisations are Greenpeace and Sea Sheperd. These 2 organisations aim to fight the whaling in Antarctica going to many extents. Sorry I didn't help but if you can get your hands on a book name "Oxford Big Ideas Humanities 2" it has a whole chapter on Antarctica and also about the treaty.

What company trys to prevent whale hunting?

Whale hunting, also known as whaling, has been around for centuries. Most countries have outlawed whaling due to depleting populations, however Japan continues to hunt whales. Greenpeace International is one of the larger organizations in the world that actively tries to prevent whale hunting around the world.