

What is happening to the air molecules during baking?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Air released anf form voids in the material during baking.

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Q: What is happening to the air molecules during baking?
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It's happening now and the main start was during the industrial revolution

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When air is pumped into a tire at great speed, there is an increase in the temperature of the air. This is because the fast compressions cause the air molecules to move, whereas they remain still during a slow compression.

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The warmer the air is, the more energy the molecules have. The more energy the molecules have, the more they vibrate. When the molecules vibrate, they bounce into each other and push apart from each other, hence the warmer the air is, the less dense it is (number of molecules per unit volume). Colder air has less energy which means more molecules can fit into one space because they are not bouncing off each other.

What Change is happening as a liquid changes to a gas?

its boiling, the molecular structure of the liquid is changing. The molecules are moving farther apart and moving faster. Gas molecules are fartherest apart and move randomly and rapidly. If you put more air into a balloon it becomes harder because the air molecules are moving faster in a defined space. It explodes when the molecules exert more pressure than the balloon itself can stand.

Which occurs when air is compressed A. Air Temp rises and air molecules move faster B. Air temp decreases C. Air temp decreases and air molecules move faster D. Air molecules move slower?

A. air temperature rises and air molecules move faster

Why can you smell pie baking from another room in the house?

the molecules from the pie (or other creation) travel through the air and eventually land in your nostrils, thus allowing you to smell food.

Air pressure becomes lowet as water molecules are addrd to the air because water molecules?

Air pressure becomes lower as water molecules are added to the air because water molecules have less weight.

How is air introduced when baking?

well it is introduced into cake mixtures when you open the is also introduced when you mix the mix togetherAnother response:In the process of mixing, air is incorporated into the mixture and captured in the eggs. This captured air expands during baking to aid in rising. Cake batter often contains either baking powder, baking soda or both, which also react chemically to produce gases that expand the batter in baking.

Is air made of molecules?

Yes. Air is a mixture of many gas molecules.