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Q: What is happening to the boys' attempt at structure and civilization?
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How do the boys setup a civilization lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the boys attempt to establish a civilization by electing Ralph as their leader, establishing rules for meetings and the conch shell as a symbol of authority. However, as the story progresses, the boys' civilization deteriorates due to power struggles, fear, and aggression, ultimately leading to chaos and violence.

Why do the boys try to bring civilized society to the new island in the lord of the flies?

The boys attempt to bring civilized society to the new island in "Lord of the Flies" because they believe it is the right thing to do based on their upbringing and social conditioning. However, as the story unfolds, the boys' innate savagery and the absence of adult authority gradually erode their efforts to maintain civilization.

What does que pasa mean in English?

"What's up, boys"?/"What's happening, boys?"/"What's up or happening, guys?"

What does que pasa chicos mean in English?

"What's up, boys"?/"What's happening, boys?"/"What's up or happening, guys?"

Where in the book does Ralph symbolize civilization?

Ralph in "Lord of the Flies" symbolizes civilization mainly at the beginning of the book when he is elected as the leader and tries to establish rules and order among the boys. His focus on building shelters, creating signals for rescue, and organizing meetings reflects his belief in structure and organization. However, as the story progresses and chaos ensues, Ralph's symbolic representation of civilization diminishes as he struggles to maintain order among the boys.

How is civilization in chapter one shown in lord of the flies?

In Chapter One of "Lord of the Flies," civilization is initially represented by the boys' attempt to create a democratic society with rules and a conch shell symbolizing order and control. However, cracks in their civilized behavior are shown through the boys' growing disorganization, fear of the unknown, and eventual descent into chaos when they fail to effectively govern themselves.

How do the boys reject civilization in the lord of the flies?

they become anarchists

How does the destruction of the conch symbolically significant?

The destruction of the conch in "Lord of the Flies" represents the collapse of civilization and order on the island. The conch, which symbolized democracy and authority, shatters along with the boys' social structure, leading to chaos and violence. Its destruction marks the boys' descent into savagery and loss of humanity.

What does the conch shell represent to the littluns?

The conch shell represents order and civilization to the littluns, symbolizing authority and structure in the absence of adults on the island. It becomes a tool for calling assemblies and maintaining social order among the boys.

How do globular proteins relate to the structure level?

the understandment of the learned boys have little to do with structure.

What does Ralph think is happening to himself and the other boys?

Ralph realizes that they are descending into chaos and savagery, losing their sense of civilization and morality. He sees that they are becoming more primitive and violent as their situation on the island deteriorates. He fears for their safety and the slim chances of being rescued.

What is a brief summary of Lord of the Flies?

"Lord of the Flies" follows a group of boys stranded on a deserted island who struggle to establish a society while battling their own inner darkness and instincts. As they descend into savagery, their attempt at civilization ultimately collapses. The novel explores themes of human nature, power, and the thin line between civilization and chaos.