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Q: What is he portion of a long bone that contain the epiphyseal plate?
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What happens when the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone?

When the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone, then growth at that bone stops.

Where does bone growth occur in the long bones?

Growth of length in a long bone occurs at the epiphyseal plate.

What is the growth plate also known as?

The epiphyseal plate is an area at the long end of the bone which contains growing bone. It is located between the epiphysis at the end of the bone and the diaphysis of another bone. This is only found in children and adolescents as it turns into the epiphyseal line in adults.

Where is the region of growth in a bone?

In the epiphyseal plate.

Is a bone fractured if the x ray shows a black area in the region of the epiphyseal plate?

If an x-ray shows a black area in the region of the epiphyseal plate, it means that the epiphyseal plate has not completely ossified. The bone is not fractured.

How is bone marrow articular cartilage the epiphyseal line and epiphyseal plate related?

The epiphyseal plate is a section of hyaline cartilage that seperates the epiphysis from the diaphysis in long bones. The growth and ossification of the epiphyseal plate is responsible for the bone growing longer. Articulate cartilage is similar, however, it is found on the outside layer of the epiphysis. It grows and resorbs allowing for the remodelling of the bone. The epiphyseal line is the remains of the epiphyseal plate once it has stopped growing.

Difference between epiphyseal plate and epiphyseal line?

Cartilage plate that servs as a growth area along the bone lenghing, it allows the dialysis of the bone to increase in length until early adulthood. When growth stops the epiphyseal plate is replaced with bone, then becoming the epiphseal line.

What is the tip of long bone called?

Epiphyseal plate.

Where does elongation of bone occurs?

it occurs at the epiphyseal plate

What problems might extra growth in a fractured bone stimulated at the epiphyseal plate of that bone cause someone?

What problems might extra growth in a fractured bone stimulated at the epiphyseal plate of that bone cause someone?

What is epiphyseal plates composed of?

The epiphyseal plate is composed of cartilage. As the child grows, the cartilage hardens into bone. The epiphyseal plate is located at the ends of the long skeletal bones.

What structure allows bones to grow in thickness?

Bones grow in length by endochondral ossification. It begins with cartilage that acts like a model of the bone that will grow. The bone grows in length and diameter(appositional). the structure that allows this is the epiphyseal cartilage that seperates the epiphysis from the diaphysis. When the bone is fully grown this cartilage will become bone and simply the epiphyseal line.