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Q: What is healthcare in third world countries like?
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What is third world debt?

third world countries which are in debt to countries which have more money and material. Third world is when devolving countries are in debt. countries like Africa which have no money or materials .

What is meant by the term 'third world countries?

Well, after the World War 2 there was primarily 3 blocks of nations. First world countries like American and other western countries which withheld Democratic stand point, Second world countries like the Eastern Europe and Russia with Communistic principles and the third world countries which were neutral. But today the phrase third world countries often imply under developed or developing countries.

In what countries do they not teach about Jesus Christ?

Lots of third world countries like China and Turkmenistan

How did World War 2 effect different countries economy?

it realy affected countries economy it made countries like America control world economy and other countries like third world countries in abadfinancial and cultural condition

How do missionary women handle their periods in third world countries?

Missionary women in third world countries may use a variety of methods to manage their periods, including menstrual cups, reusable pads, or traditional methods like cloth or leaves. They may also rely on access to local healthcare facilities to obtain sanitary products if available. It is important for missionary women to plan ahead and be prepared for their menstrual needs while living and working in third world countries.

What problems do Third World countries typically face?

Third World countries typically face challenges such as poverty, lack of access to healthcare and education, political instability, corruption, and inadequate infrastructure. Additionally, issues like food insecurity, natural disasters, and limited access to clean water and sanitation further contribute to the difficulties faced by these countries.

What are third world countrys?

well in the begining of the republics there were two groups i cant remember which ones but a lot of countries rich countries like usa,Canada and that made a goup called repulicans and the Russians and other countries from Europe where the soviet union.but poor countries like Mexico or Puerto Rico werent in any of those groups so they had to be a third group called the third world

What countries qualify as third world countries?

The term "third world country" is often used to describe developing countries, which are countries that have a lower level of economic development than more developed countries. In general, third world countries tend to have lower per capita income levels, higher rates of poverty and disease, and less access to basic infrastructure like clean water and sanitation. Examples of third world countries include many African countries, like Somalia and South Sudan, as well as some countries in Asia and South America, like Afghanistan and Haiti.

What is school like in third world countries?

Education is often a price that many people in Third World countries are not able to pay. Although quality education is available, it is still unreachable for a large segment of a developing country's population.

Challenges that researchers face in the third world countries like tanzania?

Choosing the right research topic

How many third world countries are there in the world?

There is no universally agreed upon definition of "third world countries." The term was originally used during the Cold War to categorize countries that were not aligned with NATO or the Communist Bloc. Today, the term is considered outdated and often replaced with terms like "developing countries" or "low-income countries."

How do countries in the EU have so much food?

Countries in the EU are modern countries and so they are capable of producing a lot of food. Some are not as good as others, but none are like third world countries.