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Q: What is heat transfer when hot air rises and cold air sinks?
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What is the transfer of heat when warm material rises and cold sinks?

This is called convection.

Does cold rise and heat sink?

No, cold sinks and heat rises.

What causes us to think that heat rises?

Because of convection: heat rises and cold sinks

How do currents in the mantle transfer heat?

hot stuff rises, cool stuff sinks

How is Circulation of hot and cold air works?

heat rises and cool air sinks

Does convection transfer heat?

Think of a pot of boiling water. The burner makes the heat, the heat rises, and the cold water replaces it, then the cold water gets hotter and rises. It's a cycle

How does convection transfer heat?

Think of a pot of boiling water. The burner makes the heat, the heat rises, and the cold water replaces it, then the cold water gets hotter and rises. It's a cycle

How does heat transfer through convection?

Think of a pot of boiling water. The burner makes the heat, the heat rises, and the cold water replaces it, then the cold water gets hotter and rises. It's a cycle

How does convection transfer?

Think of a pot of boiling water. The burner makes the heat, the heat rises, and the cold water replaces it, then the cold water gets hotter and rises. It's a cycle

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What type of heat transfer that occurs when hot water rises to the top of a pan and cooler water sinks to the bottom?

I believe the answer is convection