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Q: What is heavier rubber or leather?
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Is rubber lighter or heavier when frozen?

heavier when frozen

Is a rubber basketball beatter then a leather basketball?

A leather basketball is better than a rubber ball but if your playing outside the ground ruins the leather so a rubber ball is better when you are playing outside

What are firefighters boots made of?

Some boots are made out of rubber, but more durable boots are made from leather

What is a composite leather basketball made of?

They are made of leather or composite leather. The composite leather balls are less expensive. The NBA Official Game Ball is a Top Grain Leather basketball. The Wilson NCAA Official Game Ball is covered in moisture wicking composite leather.

Is leather heavier than cloth?

Often it is but it depend on the size of the slice of leather or cloth.

What materials do you need to make shoes?

leather rubber soles laces leather

Why does leather bounce?

A leather basketball has a inner rubber bladder which is inflated with air.

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Does rubber bounce higher than leather?

It all depends on how much air there is inside, where you bounce it, and how you bounce it. Well if there were same amount of air, bounced on the same surface and with the same power, a rubber ball would bounce higher. But that doesn't mean a rubber basketball is simply better. People certainly would choose a leather basketball, because it looks better and has a better quality, and can last longer if played indoors. If you were looking for which is better, I would say that's totally upto you, whether you play indoors (a leather ball would be heaps better), or outdoors (a rubber ball is much better in this case). But if you were looking for which bounced higher, it is definitely rubber. This is because a rubber cover is harder than a leath covering. When something is harder, this allows to put more pressure when the ball hits the floor. This causes the ball to bounce higher.

Can you dye rubber?

angelus leather paint

What are shoes made off?

Leather or rubber.

Is rubber better than leather?
