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"Hay Fever" is the old name for what are called today "seasonal Allergies". They tend to occur at certain times of the year when certain types of pollen are abundant (May: Tree pollen, August: Ragweed pollen, etc). The allergies can make you miserable, but they can't kill you. Anaphylactic shock from bee venom can kill a person, and certain compounds can cause severe food allergies, though in the case of food allergies, death much more rare. Food allergies typically make the sufferer extremely ill, but death is unusual. Death from anaphylactic shock is common, though.

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Q: What is hey fever and why is a hay fever considered to be a less serious allergy than a bee sting or a food allergy?
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No. They are considered a type of fish

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Some people are allergic to bee stings and can die quickly from a single sting if not medically treated. Even if you are not allergic, you can also die from bee sting if you are stung many times.

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The collective noun for sting rays or manta rays are:a fever of stingraysa fever of manta raysThere is no standard collective noun for rays of light.

Why do you get a rash from a bee sting?

Firstly, let me stress that not all people are allergic to bee stings. For most people the sting is just a painful nuisance.Bee venom is a complex substance. Its main active components are peptides (small proteins or parts of proteins) and these can trigger the immune system: the same mechanism that helps protect us from disease. In some people the immune system over-reacts, causing the allergy symptoms.

How have honey bees caused death of humans?

A bee sting is rarely fatal. However, some people have a serious reaction to a bee sting and have an anaphylactic shock seizure which can be fatal.