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Q: What is hieratic script and how does it differ from hieroglyphics?
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What is hieratic script?

hieratic Script is a simplified version of hieroglyphics

Why was hieratic script used more than hieroglyphics?

because hieratic script was an abbreviation of the hieroglyphics so it was faster to write and used less of their precious papyrus paper.

Why did hieratic script replace hieroglyphics?

It can be written more quickly and easily with a pen.

What is hieroglyphics difference between hieroglyphics and hieratic writing?

hieroglyphs are picture symbols used by Egyptians. Hieratic scripts were used for medical and scientific works (it combined shapes rather then picture symbols). Hieratic were used by scribes in 1790.

What was the difference between origanal hieroglyphics and hieractiv hieroglyphics?

If you mean hieratic, then hieratic glyphs were mostly used in documents, poems, and stories, where as regular hieroglyphics, called demotic, was used more for everyday writing. Hope that helped!

What was all the ancient egptian's writing system?

Hieroglyphics and Hieratic.

What kind of script was used for business transactions and record keeping?

a hieratic script

What were the three types of ancient Egyptian writing which was formal?

Egyptologists have separated the three types of writing from according to how it looks. They are hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic.Hieroglyphic is what you see inscribed on stones. Hieratic was used by the priests to write their religious or political manuscripts. It looks more like a hand written form of hieroglyphics. The third one is called demotic. It is a form of hand writing script for everyday use, seen towards the end of the Egyptian period.

What script was used in Egyptian history for business transactions and record keeping?

It was called 'hieratic '.

Name the ancient egyptian script?

Hieroglyphs; later a cursive version hieratic was developed.

Did Egyptians have written laws?

In short, YES. They used hieroglyphs which evolved into the hieratic script which later became shorthanded - demotic writing.Yes it was called hieroglyphicsancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics as their written language.

What are some languages that have pictorial script?
