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Hieratic was a writing system that developed alongside and is closely related to the hieroglyphic system. It allowed scribes to quickly write with a brush and ink on papyrus. It was used in cases where using hieroglyphics would be impractical or unnecessary.

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Q: What was hieratic in Ancient Egypt?
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What was hieratic script used for?

Hieratic script was a cursive writing system used in ancient Egypt for religious texts, administrative documents, and other day-to-day purposes. It was developed to be written quickly on papyrus or other surfaces, allowing scribes to be more efficient in record-keeping and correspondence.

What was all the ancient egptian's writing system?

Hieroglyphics and Hieratic.

What writing did the ancient egyptians create?

Egyptian hieroglyphs and Hieratic

Did the ancient Egyptians write in Arabic?

Most people in ancient Egypt were uneducated and unable to write anything. The small minority of educated people were taught two systems of writing: for almost all of Egyptian history writing was either in hieroglyphs or in hieratic script (which was a simplified version of hieroglyphs). At the end of ancient Egyptian history demotic script was developed, based on hieratic but much more complex. By about 300 AD Coptic script was used - this was simply the Greek alphabet with a few additional signs for Egyptian sounds not found in Greek. The Arabs invaded Egypt in 639 AD, long after the end of ancient Egypt; the Arabs brought Islam and Arabic writing with them and both have been used in Egypt ever since. So ancient Egyptians could not ever have used Arabic writing.

Did ancient Egyptians write in Arabic?

Most people in ancient Egypt were uneducated and unable to write anything. The small minority of educated people were taught two systems of writing: for almost all of Egyptian history writing was either in hieroglyphs or in hieratic script (which was a simplified version of hieroglyphs). At the end of ancient Egyptian history demotic script was developed, based on hieratic but much more complex. By about 300 AD Coptic script was used - this was simply the Greek alphabet with a few additional signs for Egyptian sounds not found in Greek. The Arabs invaded Egypt in 639 AD, long after the end of ancient Egypt; the Arabs brought Islam and Arabic writing with them and both have been used in Egypt ever since. So ancient Egyptians could not ever have used Arabic writing.

What 2 kinds of symbols is ancient Egypt writing made up of?

Ancient Egyptian had far more than just two writing systems: Hieratic, Hieroglyphic, Demotic and then Coptic.

Name the ancient egyptian script?

Hieroglyphs; later a cursive version hieratic was developed.

What was the writing system in ancient Egypt called?

Hieroglyphs or hieroglyphics(in America). They also had writing called demotic and hieratic, which were like a simplified, shorthand, everyday version of hieroglyphs.

An ancient Egyptian man who learned to read and write hieroglyphs and hieratic was called a?

"sš". Or, in English, "scribe".

What is a nome in ancient Egypt?

A Nome in ancient Egypt is was a subnational administrative division of ancient Egypt.

What territory did Piankhi conquer?

Egypt's Ancient Capital.

Men in ancient Egypt?

men in ancient Egypt almost the same rights as women in ancient Egypt.