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Q: What is high speed temporary memory?
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What is small high speed memory units used for storing temporary results?

A small high speed memory unit for storing temporary results is usually a register but can also be referred to as cache or a buffer

What is high speed RAM that serves as a temporary storage area for data that is accessed frequently?

According to IC3, cache memory

What is high-speed RAM that serves as a temporary storage area for data that is accessed frequently?

According to IC3, cache memory

Does microprocessor has a memory?

Some microprocessors have cache memory; this is high speed memory and, if you're lucky and a program is small, it may entirely run in cache memory. All microprocessors have memory as registers - these aren't memory in the conventional sense, but are temporary locations to store values being worked on, addresses in memory and so on.

How to fix temporary memory when it says no memory?

How to fix ram, or temporary memory, that says no memory?

What is the high speed memory used in computer called?

RAM is the memory that is the fastest.

Area of computer memory with high-speed retrieval?

RAM (Random Access Memory)

What is an area of high speed memory that sits between the processor and the primary memory?


What do you mean by memory?

High speed memory that reside between the microprocessor and RAM in a computer.

How can you tell if a memory card is high speed?

All memory cards should be designated to operate at the same speed no matter the device.

Ram is a temporary or permanent memory?


WHAT is a high-speed memory chip on the motherboard or CPU?
