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Homofermentative lactobacilli means that the lactobacilli that are in this group can make only lactic acid through their matabolic activities as a source of energy.

Heterofermentive lactobacilli means they can make either alcohol or lactic acid.

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Q: What is homofermentative lactobacilli?
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What is lactobacilli?

Homofermentative lactobacilli means that the lactobacilli that are in this group can make only lactic acid through their matabolic activities as a source of energy. Heterofermentive lactobacilli means they can make either alcohol or lactic acid.

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The Lactobacilli group of bacteria, some of which are found in yogurt, was the first identified probiotic.

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A consumer is a broad term, in a way it is as it ferments sugars into lactic acid. It is a common homofermentative species, and is used in the dairy industry to create yogurt and other products that use feermentation.

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Bacteria of the genus Lactobacilli.

Lactobacilli bacteria are present in which food preservation process?

Fermentation - A biochemical technique involving lactobacilli bacteria (on all living things) converting starches and sugars into lactic acid. Lacid acid prevents bacterial growth, which causes rotting. Fermentation also increases vitamen levels.

What acid is in bread?

In comparison with breads made quickly with cultivated yeast, it usually has a mildly sour taste because of the lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli.

What is Calpis the Japanese drink and does it include milk?

Calpis is a drink that is common in Japan. It includes milk that has been fermented with lactobacilli. It is considered a health drink.

Can lactobacilli survive freezing?

Lactobacillus can be freezed in a pill form and bought in grocery stores. It is used a probiotic, and is used in the fermentation of foods. It is considered to be a bacteria.

Is what bread acidic?

In comparison with breads made quickly with cultivated yeast, it usually has a mildly sour taste because of the lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli.