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Homogeneous mixture

-uniformly distributed throughout the composition

heterogeneous mixture

-not uniformly distributed throughout the composition

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Q: What is homogenious and heterogenious matter?
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What are the main features of homogeneous and heterogeneous solidification?

Homogenious nucleation sarts by themselvs at the mold wall. Heterogenious grain grow is influenced by foreign particles.

What is is a homogenious?

a homogenious mixture is a mixture that is formed by adding substances together but do not combine, an example of this is a salad. you can observe it, and see what is in your salad.but a heterogenious mixture is where you cannot clearly see whats inside. like a cake, you dont know whats inside because the ingrediances are all baked in.

Homogeneous materials contain visibly different materials?

Yes,Heterogenious mixtures are mixtures in wich different mixtures and you can filter it. Homogenious is the oposite

Is Gatorade a heterogeneous?


What is homogenouse mixture?

a homogenious mixture is a mixture that is formed by adding substances together but do not combine, an example of this is a salad. you can observe it, and see what is in your salad.but a heterogenious mixture is where you cannot clearly see whats inside. like a cake, you dont know whats inside because the ingrediances are all baked in.

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Is Gatorade heterogeneous or homogeneous?


Is water a element compound solution or heterogenious mixture?

Water is a compound,

Is chloroform in water an homogenious solution?

No, they both are not miscible and is a heterogeneous solution

Are cupcakes with frosting homogenious?

I dont think so.(I am not sure if this is correct.)

Is a bird seed homogeneous?

heterogenious. it is a bunch of stuff mixed together where you can see the separate parts.

Do all powders dissolve the same way in water?

There exists at least one (actually, a lot more than one) powder that dissolves in water. However, not every powder dissolves in water. It wasn't clear which of the two you were trying to ask.