

What is hormone and what makes these hormone?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is hormone and what makes these hormone?
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The hormone that makes a pregnant woman have their joints unstable is Relaxin.

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Which hormone gives men their facial hair and deep voice?

The hormone is called testosterone , it makes sperm also !

What gland makes the hormone Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone?

It is made in anterior pitutory.Allso secreted by it

What does the growth hormone do in the pitituary gland?

Essentially it makes you taller.

What is the name of the hormone that is responsible for love?

there is no hormone responsible for love. It is a decision one makes in their brain and carries out through their heart and soul.

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the growth hormone

Is the male sex hormones estrogen?

The male hormone is Testosterone. Estrogen is the female hormone but women also have some Testosterone and that is what makes them aroused.

Why do men always want sex?

Because of the male hormone testosterone. That is the hormone that makes us horny, women too, and men have a lot of it.

What makes a boy genius?

Someone who is smart in almost every subject.the boy will study and hormone makes a sense...