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Q: What is hughes opinion of tubman?
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Who was mr Tubman in baba and mr big?

Mr. Tubman was a lawyer who worked for Baba's Japanese business partner, Mr. Saito, in the story "Baba and Mr. Big" by Langston Hughes. He is a shrewd and calculating character who tries to exploit the situation to benefit himself and his employer.

Who are a few African American people from history?

Martin Luther King Jr. Harriet Tubman Rosa Parks Booker T. Washington Langston Hughes Jackie Robinson

What was Tubman's Jordan?

Harriet Tubman is only Tubman

Could you become smart and rich like Howard Hughes if you stopped listening to music or music containing singing in movie Melvyn and Howard Howard Hughes character said he has an aversion to song?

I don't think that Hughes' opinion about music or singing had much to do with his becoming smart or rich. If you want to find out more about Hughes you can follow the link below.

Who is John Tubman?

John Tubman was harriet tubman's husband.

What are Adam Hughes' most popular comics?

Adam Hughes does DC comics which are very popular. In my opinion I like when he does Wonder Woman illistrations. She is one of my favorite heros and I know that anyone that is a comic "Geek" will love it as well.

Who was John Tubman?

John Tubman was Harriet Tubman's first husband

What did gertie Tubman do?

Gertie Tubman was Harriet Tubman's Adopted daughter.

Who did John Tubman marry?

John Tubman Married Harriet Tubman. John Tubman was a freed slave. Harriet Tubman was a slave when she was 5 years old.

Who was Ernest Tubman?

ernest tubman was the husband of harriet tubman (escaped slave)

Where can you find Harriet Tubman clothes?

At the Harriet Tubman store.

Who did Harriet Tubman married?

Harriet Tubman married to John Tubman from 1844 to 1851 Harriet Tubman married to Nelson Davis in 1869