

What is hypopotassemia?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What is hypopotassemia?
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It is called hypopotassemia or hypokalemia. A normal range of potassium levels in the blood when tested in a lab is 3.5 to 5.3 MMOL/L. Potassium levels can be depleted by taking diuretics or from not eating enough dietary sources (dark green leafy vegetables, bananas, potato, apricots, raisins, cantaloupe, avocado, nuts, broccoli, etc.). Deficient potassium can cause health problems such as with blood pressure regulation, heart function, kidney function, nerve conduction, muscles and bones.

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Excessive release of potassium from the cell into the bloodstream. Some of the causes are:1) Insufficient kidney function, e.g., renal insufficiency, renal/kidney failure.2) Too many supplements taken.3) Addison's Disease, aka Adrenal Insufficiency and Hypocortisolism (in this condition usually the potassium is high and the sodium is low).Additional information:Treatment is usually aimed at the underlying condition that is causing the body to retain excess potassium in the blood. If diagnosed early, it may only require supplement reduction and/or diet adjustments to avoid foods high in potassium (such as leafy greens, various fruits, etc.). However, some of the problems, like chronic kidney disease (e.g., in diabetes and hypertension), are difficult to treat later in the disease process to help the body eliminate the potassium normally. There are medications that can help but, especially in the later stages of the disease process, it typically eventually requires dialysis treatments.Related information:Hypokalemia/hypopotassemia (a low potassium level) is a more common condition caused by lack of proper diet, electrolyte imbalances caused by dehydration, use of blood pressure medications and diuretics (water pills) without also taking potassium supplements, etc. This is usually easily treated with oral potassium supplements, or if very low, then by intravenous (IV) administration.