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It is called a straight away answer given to a rhetorical question.

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Q: What is i called when a rhetorical question is asked and an answer is given straight away?
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What is a question called when the person who asked the question do not expect an answer?

It is called a rhetorical question.

What is a rhetorical statement?

A rhetorical question is asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information. Example: Is your head on straight?

A question without an answer is?

A question without an answer is typically referred to as a "rhetorical question." Rhetorical questions are asked for effect or to make a point, but they are not meant to be answered literally.

What is a question asked without the intent of it being answered?

Rhetorical question

if a question seeks an explanation is it rhetorical?

No. A rhetorical question is asked only for effect and no answer is expected.

What does the word rhetorical question mean?

Rhetorical question- A question asked more to produce an effect that to summon an answer.

What do you call a question asked that no answer is expected?

A rhetorical question

How does one know when a question is rhetorical?

A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is used to make a point. A rhetorical question is usually asked for effect with no answer expected.

What kind of question does not need an answer?

A rhetorical question, or a question asked for effect.

What is the word for when someone asks a question they dont want answered?

That is called a rhetorical question. It is asked for effect or to make a point rather than to elicit a genuine answer.

What kind of question is it that is asked but no answer is expected?

A rhetorical question does not require an answer. Rhetorical questions might introduce a topic in class, or be 'food for thought'.

What is rhetorical Description?

Its a question that is asked to create dramatic effect....