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Q: What is imaginary line describing earth's tilt?
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What is the difference of the earths tilt and the earths axis?

The axis is the imaginary line running through the north and south poles that our planet revolves around. Earth's tilt refers to the fact that the planet does not sit perfectly straight in relation to the solar plane but rather tilts slightly to one side.

What is the imaginary line that passes Through earth's axis called?

In astronomy it is called the axial tilt (also called obliquity) and sometimes just called the imaginary axis.

Is earths rotation and tilts on its axis cause your season?

Yes the earths axis cases the earths its seasons. The tilt determines how much the content is exposed. The higher you will be exposed to less sun which causes it to be cold. Also which the bottom more closer you are to the bottom its cold. There is a imaginary line that splits the earth into two parts. Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere. This line is called the equator, everything close to this line is very tropical and hot. The earths axis is determined how far the moon is from the sun which is another question which there is answer.... hope this helped

Why is the worlds on a axis?

The axis is actually an imaginary line that the Earth spins around. It represents the tilt of the Earth relative to its orbit.

What does the earths tilt do normally?

The Earth's tilt is what causes the seasons.

What is earths axis of rotation (tilt)?

Earth's axial tilt is 23.44°.

What is earths tilt?

23.5 degrees

What evidence of the tilt of earths axis?


What does the earths tilt determine?

mostly climate

What is the earths tilt degrees at?

23.5 degrees

What causes saesons?

The earths tilt at its axis

Does the earths tilt have anything to do with the seasons?

Yes, it does