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Q: What is imaginary sphere surrounding earth?
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An imaginary sphere that surrounds the earth?

The atmosphere.

What is the imaginary sphere on which all objects in the sky seem to be located?

The imaginary line around which the earth turns is its axis.

What is the name for the gaseaus sphere surrounding earth?

The Ozone Layer

What is the name gaseous sphere surrounding earth?

It is called the atmosphere.

What is the name of gaseous sphere surrounding earth?

The ozone layer

What is meant by a celestial globe?

The Celestial Globe (or sphere) is an imaginary sphere around our planet, earth. All objects in the sky and space, such as satellites, can be thought inside this invisible sphere.

What is it called when an imaginary sphere surrounds the earth?

This could be the magnetosphere, the atmosphere, or the biosphere, depending on your needed reference frame.

How does the earth spin around?

Earth spins around its axis(or imaginary line from the north pole to the south pole) by gravity from earth itself and the surrounding planets.

Is the imaginary sphere on which all objects in the sky seem to be located called the celestial sphere?

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The imaginary sphere on which all objects in the sky seem to be located is called the celestial sphere.?

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What is the imaginary line around the earth used in air and sea navigation?

This imaginary line is called the great circle. A great circle is the shortest distance between two point on a sphere. On a flat map the great circle route takes the shape of the arc of a circle due to the projection method used to fit the path on the earth's sphere to a flat surface.

Name of a imaginary line drawn through earth from north to south pole that ends in a R?

In the globe it is called the axis. In a sphere it is called the diameter.