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Q: What is imitation Vanilla made from?
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How is imitation vanilla made?

According to the Joy of Baking "...imitation vanilla extracts are made with synthetic vanilla (from glycoside found in the sapwood of certain conifers or from coal extracts)"

I have allergies to vanilla. Is vanilla in imitation vanilla?

No. According to the Joy of Baking "...imitation vanilla extracts are made with synthetic vanilla (from glycoside found in the sapwood of certain conifers or from coal extracts)"

How much alcohol is in imitation vanilla?

No. Only "pure" vanilla extract is made with alcohol

What percent of alcohol is in imitation vanilla?

Imitation vanilla extract typically contains about 35% alcohol.

What are good rated brands of imitation vanilla extract?

There are several good rated brands of imitation vanilla extract, but some of my favourites are Flurber's Imitation Vanilla Extract, and Hopperstein's Imitation Vanilla Extract.

Is imitation vanilla poision?

no Kennedy

Does vanilla extract contain alcohol?

"Pure" vanilla extract generally contains 35-40% alcohol... "Imitation" vanilla does not use alcohol as an ingredient

Is there a substitute for imitation vanilla flavor if you are making C and H frosting?

real vanilla extract would be even better

How much is a bottle of vanilla?

7.99 for a 2oz bottle, imitation vanilla is cheaper for more product and it is hard to taste the difference unless vanilla is the main ingredient.

How much imitation vanilla to substitute for vanilla extract?

You should use the same amount as called for in the recipe. According to Cooks Illustrated, imitation Vanilla has a *lot* more vanillin than real vanilla will have. Apparently, to be normal strength vanilla, you can only have so much vanilla. There's double-strength vanilla, too, which is what I prefer to use.

What in imitation almond extract?

vanilla extract with a little tiny bit of lemon eetract

How does double strength imitation vanilla compare to normal?

It is safe to say that 1 drop of the double strength is equivalent to 2 drops of regular vanilla extract. The best tasting vanilla comes from the best extract or the beans, though.