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For me Grammar is more important than the vocabulary ,Grammar is the ways that words can be put together in order to make sentences.And vocabulary means the total number of words you know in a particular language.vocabulary is not there if the grammar is not there.

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Q: What is important vocabulary or grammar?
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vocabulary ..

What is Lexicon in Transformational Grammar?

The body of words/vocabulary.

What is the most primary component of language?

The vocabulary. If you understand vocabulary but not grammar, you can still communicate. If you only know grammar and not vocabulary, however, you will not be able to effectively communicate. To converse in a fluent manner, you need both components, though.

What is learning about a language?

Learning about a language involves understanding its grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and usage rules. It also involves developing skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening to effectively communicate in that language. Additionally, learning about a language can involve exploring its cultural context, history, and regional variations.

Why is communication effective only when impressive vocabulary and correct grammar are used?

Communication can be effective even without impressive vocabulary or perfect grammar. Clear and concise language that is easily understood by the audience is often more important than complex words or flawless grammar. Effective communication is about conveying your message in a way that is easily understood and connects with the recipient.

Are grammar and Vocabulary considered as language Arts skills?

Language is human expression of ones thoughts as a medium of communication for social interaction & information.The effective of a language requires the artistic skills of the speaker/writer to employ the right words (vocabulary)and the sentence structures in syntax (grammar).Language is not merely a set of rules and vocabulary but the application of these sets of vocabulary and grammar effectively and efficiently makes it an art.

What is another term for grammar is?

punctuation, sentence structure, vocabulary and writing

What does sub skills mean?

Subskills are e.g. grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Is Answers grammar and vocabulary more precise than that in use today?

It is.

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When learning a new language which is best to build an understanding of first Grammar or vocabulary?

It is generally best to start by building a foundation of vocabulary before delving into grammar. By learning and practicing key words and phrases, you can begin to understand and express basic ideas in the new language. This will then provide a context for learning grammar rules and structures more effectively.

Are English grammar classes worth it?

Yes I think that English grammar classes are very important for your education, they help your vocabulary expand and make you seem more educated. Jobs would love to see that you furthered your education in that department.