

What is in cheese that gives it it's flavor?

Updated: 2/24/2020
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13y ago

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The Age, Cheese is a type of mold so with age the taste gets better,

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Q: What is in cheese that gives it it's flavor?
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The beneficial microorganisms introduced into this food give it it's unique flavor would be cheese.

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Pork enzymes are not necassarily in Cheetoes, but the enzymes they use give the cheese its unique flavor, do to the fact that it is the catalyst that starts the molding process used for creating cheese. However, the mold used also gives it the flavor.

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Music has the flavor of moldy cheese sandwiches.

Does Cottage cheese contain sodium?

You can buy cottage cheese with or without sodium. I've found that unsalted cottage cheese is very bland and kind of gross. The sodium gives it its characteristic, though still mild, flavor.

Is cheddar a type of cheese or is it a shapes flavor?

Cheddar is a cheese! Yet it is a shapes flavor as well..... BUT the shapes flavour tastes like the cheese! So yes its a type of CHEESE.

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A variety of Derby cheese that is called Sage Derby is mild, mottled green, and semi-hard. It contains sage, which gives it the green coloring and sage flavor.

What bluish cheese gets its flavor from fungus growing on it?

blue cheese