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Semen contains the X chromesome of the male partner and is inherited by the would be baby.

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Q: What is in semen that the baby receives?
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What amount of semen required for test tube baby?

12 Pints of Semen

Can someone else's semen hurt your unborn baby?


Is semon good for a baby in the womb?

semen does not cross into the placenta and has no effect on baby in womb.

Why does a zygote receives DNA from both parents?

incase they have a baby, they could she if it's their baby

Can crack be passed on through male semen to a baby inside the womb?

no but stds can

Can you have a baby by getting tongue?

It is only possible if the person operating the tongue has semen in their mouth.

How do you get semen stains out of sheets without washing them?

I use baby wipes. But that's just me.

How children born?

Mom and dad have vaginal sex. Dad ejaculates semen into mom. The semen is made out of sperm. One sperm attaches to the egg and it forms a baby.

Is semen the baby inside a male?

actually, no it is not It help decide whether it is a boy or girl. And traits. or something like that. the baby is inside the mother

What is the liquid stuff that comes out of guys balls?

baby batter, or to be more technical about it... semen or spermatozoa.

What is a baby-killer?

A baby-killer is a pejorative term for an abortionist, a pregnant woman who receives an abortion, or a person who advocates abortion.

What happens if your pregnant and you swallow your partners semen and he has a STD?

You can get it too. Depending on which one it is it can affect the baby or not. Get tested.