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Q: What is in the back of the throat that looks lie a small tongue?
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What could be the cause of the red bumps on the back of your tongue and throat Both your tongue and throat are sore?

Deficiency of the vitamins the tongue sore is the cause to tongue sore.

Can the epiglottis be seen if you stick your tongue out?

The epiglottis is a small flap of soft tissue that is found at the back of the throat. In some people, the epiglottis can be seen if they stick their tongue out.

What is an organ whose powerful muscles move food to the back of the throat?

The tongue is the organ that moves food to the back of the throat. The tongue also serves a function in detection of tastes.

What procedure do we follow to move the tongue from the back of the throat?

What procedure do we follow to move the tongue from the back of the throat? Correct answer

What are the tonsils located at the base of the tongue?

back of the throat next to the tongue but not attached

What forces back food into the pharynx?

The tongue is the muscle that forces food into the pharynx. When you chew and then swallow, it is the back of your tongue that forces the food back and down your throat.

What forces food back into into pharynx?

The tongue is the muscle that forces food into the pharynx. When you chew and then swallow, it is the back of your tongue that forces the food back and down your throat.

Why do you have a tongue?

You have a tongue to help mix your food with saliva and help push the moist food to the back of the throat to swallow.

How far down your throat does your tongue go?

Each person's anatomy is different. The tongue's length averages 6 inches to 9 inches. it's anchored at the back of you throat.

Where are the bitter taste buds located?

The area of the tongue that controls the taste and sensation of bitterness is located primarily in the back of the tongue, close to the uvula and going back towards the throat. The area of the tongue that controls the taste of sourness is located in the lateral-back of the tongue. The area that controls the sensation of saltiness is located on the lateral front of the tongue, and the part of the tongue that controls the sensation of sweetness is on the tip of the tongue.

Can allergies make you have red sores on the back of your tongue and have a sore throat?


What is the name of the wooden tool used to check the throat?

The giant wooden popsicle stick is called a tongue depressor, as it presses the tongue out of the way so the doctor can see the back of the throat.